Our online decision-making platform that lets office real estate players generate automated space planning scenario for any type of building or organization.

Our Workplace Empowerment solutions use Augmented Intelligence. Among other things, they allow you to anticipate, simulate and optimize workspace fit-out. More specifically, they give freedom to the leaders and operational staff who design, manage and occupy them by allowing them to share this information within your organization and make decisions in real time.
- Brokers
- Asset Managers
- Tenant Reps
- Workplace Consultants
- Project Managers
- Architects
- Investors/ Asset Managers
- Government and Local Authorities
- Developers
- Property Managers
- Real Estate Management
- Workplace Management
- Finance
- HR
- Internal Project Management
Our Workplace Empowerment solutions
Project’s Layout Scenarios

Simulation’s Result – Usages

Simulation’s Result – Automated Zoning

Stacking by team or department
Zoning by level
Simulation’s Result – Different Plan Views

View by team or department
Space planning
Simulation’s Result – Macrozoning Plan

Simulation’s Result – Space Planning